Motor Performance

The department aims to pursue a policy of promoting and recruiting teaching staff. In relation to the social and economic environment, the department engages in the identification and development of activities that create a real and complete set of the skills and resources available to the department, so as to capitalize on them in partnerships and collaboration, consulting or assistance contracts, while focussing on common concerns with mutual benefits.

Members of the Council of the Department of Motor Performance

  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan TURCU
  • • Lecturer Dr. Bogdan OANCEA
  • • Lecturer Dr. Dragoș TOHĂNEAN

Office hours:

Head of Department

Lecturer Dr. Bogdan OANCEA

Wedenesady, 8:00 – 10:00
For Appointments for audiences contact at the faculty’s secretary’s office from Monday to Friday, between 9:00-15:00

Members of the Department of Motor Performance